четверг, 7 сентября 2017 г.

Play with friends !!!

Let's Play!

You have 5 minutes !!!! 

Creative crossword

Creative crossword

Feel interested?

 Ready? Good job! 

Now let's make a challenge for your classmates:

- find the new words which are really difficult for you

- use the link to create your own  crossword http://puzzlecup.com

Enjoy the video

 Hack the code

  1.  Watch the video
  2. Write the words which you don't know
  3. Find their meaning
  4. Draw the picture, describing them


Trig your mind and hack the QR code


  1.  Read the text
  2. Ask 5 Wh- questions to it
  3. Roleplay with your partner
  4. Make video and upload it to blog, share and have fun !!!

Thank you !!!

воскресенье, 3 сентября 2017 г.

Шановні учні 7-8 класів Запорізького січового колегіуму !!!
Запрошуємо вас прийняти участь у навчальному проекті з англійської мови: 
ABC of Wonders
Every country is rich in sights which attract the great number of tourists. Some of them were/are created by people while the others are of natural origins. These peculiar places are often registered as the natural reserves and are protected by law. However very few people know about them and as a result ruin or destroy the wonders of nature.
The main idea is to define these places, learn about their origins, suggest the ways how to protect them and popularize the culture of sightseeing.
So, we are going to use Geography, History, Biology as the main subjects, English - for communicating and ICT tools for presenting the results.


Every teacher who is in charge of creating the plans of development for his/her class has to include various excursions as the element of cross-subject aproach and national upbringing. Having observed the behavior of pupils during these trips I can say that hardly ever a half of them were really interested.
So I do believe if students really find, explore, create the route of "exploration", meet some unique facts about wonders of nature in their countries will be able to create their own virtual/real excursions for their peers, making focus on those aspects which are worth mentioning from their point of view.
Some of these places will definitely be popular tourist attractions but not all of them.
During the project students will have to search, analyze, range, compare, present in different ways the information and of course share their new knowledge.
This project will be the first step to conscious understanding the uniqueness of each and every country as a wonder of nature.

Work process

Step1: creating the common list of activities which we really plan/need to do with our pupils; agree on ICT tools we will use for every kind of activity.
Step 2: finding the most intersting objects in every country and making the MindMeister maps just to present the country,its administrative districts and 5 natural sights in each of the district;
Step 3: make the short motivating video, to introduce the team, the country and just to see each other (3 min);
Step 4: presenting the sights, using different ICT tools, creating the quizes for other teams and common padlet of interesting facts
Step 5: visiting few of the sights and creating short excursions (online or video)
Step 6: organizing video conferences between members as the feedback on every session
Step 7: creating an completing the common interactive map of sights and finding the common points in History, Geography, Culture, etc
Step 8: creating the common YouTube account with videos which can be used on other lessons

Dates: 28.09-15.09.2017